제목 | 41권 1호 Organization communication regarding ISO 26000 practices in South Korea: focusing on the enlarged scope | ||||
작성자 | 성희 전 | 조회수 | 49 | 날짜 | 2018/07/16 |
첨부파일 |
40483_2014_13_OnlinePDF.pdf |
Abstract ISO 26000, issued on November 1, 2010, has enlarged the scope of socialresponsibility (SR) from corporations to all types of organizations. This article examineshow organizations that traditionally have not been concerned with this term, such as publicor governmental institutions and nonprofit organizations, interpret this new standard andthe notion of SR, especially in the South Korean context. For this research, we observed theSR-related reports and media activity of seven Korean organizations: Korean StandardsAssociation (KSA), the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), Gangdong-gu Office(GDG), Christian Ethics Movement of Korea (CEMK), LG Electronics Union (LGEU),Collective Action (CA), and Working Together Corporation (WTCO). We also carried outinterviews with experts in these organizations, who largely work on the subject. Using theorganizing theory frame (enactment–selection–retention) of Karl E. Weick, we analyzedthree elements of the organizational communication of these institutions: strategy, ISO26000 messaging, and receivers of the information. ISO 26000 was first actively used inpublic organizations (e.g., KSA, MKE, and GDG) as a policy tool to expand the concept toall aspects of Korean society, and was later used in certain nonprofit organizations (e.g.,LGEU and CEMK) as a new paradigm, creating new concepts such as union SR andchurches’ SR that partially accept the international standard in different contexts. Somecivil societies, such as CA and WTCO, observe the phenomenon in a passive way to see ifit could promote the social values of their organizations. Lastly, in spite of the scopeenlargement, we note that SR is still in the range of corporate SR, and the applicationprocess in South Korea shows that the social aspect is more easily ignored than theeconomic and environmental aspects. Keywords ISO 26000, South Korea, Standardization, CSR, SR |
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