Mohammad Rubel1 ․ Chad David Anderson2
Received: 22 May 2023 / Accepted: 8 September 2023 /
Published online: 1 December 2023 Ⓒ Korean Social Science Research Council 2023
Abstract The third gender, or hijra community, is the representative transgender community
in Bangladesh that faces discrimination and marginalization due to social stigma and broad
discrimination in many social areas. This paper presents the status of the third gender or hijra
in Bangladesh, benchmarks international policy approaches regional standards for third gender
policy in South Asia and presents ongoing and proposed Bangladeshi initiatives. This study
conducted structured interviews of a purposive sample of 50 people from groups likely to
participate in politics and help from public opinion to investigate attitudes towards third gender
or hijra and current policy measures and options proposed by government and transgender
advocates and based on the measures found internationally. It was found that improvements in
transgender rights internationally have most often taken the form of recognition, followed by
legal equality, then antidiscrimination, and finally, various welfare measures ranging from
quotas to various benefits, including income support. Welfare measures are much less common.
Most interviewees supported most of the measures implemented or proposed in Bangladesh,
with the broadest human rights, antidiscrimination, education, inclusion, equality, and recognition
measures receiving the most substantial support. In contrast, the weakest support went to
measures that involved increased administrative burdens and costs, while a few interviewees
were hostile toward most measures. Conclusions are then drawn for policy and further study.
Keywords third gender․hijra․transgender rights․discrimination․civil rights․comparative