제목52권 The Development of Russophone Korean Ethnocultural Enclaves in South Korea: A Socio-Geographical Case Study of Anseong and Gyeongju

Vadim Akulenko1

Received: 15 April 2024 / Accepted: 25 June 2024 /
Published online: 1 December 2024 Ⓒ Korean Social Science Research Council 2024


Using the cities of Anseong and Gyeongju as case studies, this paper explores the development of Russophone Korean ethnocultural enclaves in South Korea (‘Goryeoin Maeul’), examining the socio-economic and geographical factors that have contributed to their formation. It also aims to explore the main problems facing Russophone Korean ethnocultural enclaves, and what measures can be taken to address them. The study analyzed data collected during field and desk research. In both Anseong and Gyeongju, the ethnocultural enclaves have well-defined borders and developed commercial infrastructure. However, there is a significant shortage of
social infrastructure and educational organizations, which negatively impacts their interaction with South Korean society and state institutions while also hindering the adaptation of Russianspeaking migrants living within the ethnocultural enclaves.


Goryeo-saram․Goryeoin Maeul․ethnic enclave․Anseong․Gyeongju


Vadim Akulenko.pdf

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