제목52권 The Identification and Diagnostic Support System for Students with Borderline Intellectual Functioning

Dongil Kim1 ․ Seyoung Jang2

Received: 10 October 2024 / Accepted: 8 November 2024 /
Published online: 1 December 2024
Ⓒ Korean Social Science Research Council 2024


Individuals with borderline intellectual functioning (BIF) refers to individuals with cognitive and social abilities that are higher than those with intellectual disabilities but lower than the general population. In South Korea, interest in students with borderline intellectual functioning has grown, leading to a demand for systematic diagnosis and support. This study examines the diagnostic and support systems for students with borderline intellectual functioning, recognizing that their characteristics vary by developmental stage. Current diagnostic system for identifying students with borderline intellectual functioning are limited, and there is a need for more accurate diagnostic methods to better support students with borderline intellectual functioning. This study aims to propose a three-stage diagnostic support system to identify and diagnose students with BIF, consisting of the pre-referral stage, referral stage, and post-referral stage. To effectively identify and diagnose students with BIF using this three-stage diagnostic support system, a nationwide screening is necessary. Additionally, this study proposes establishing legally supported center for students with BIF in the future, to build a one-stop system that can support and manage these students comprehensively.

borderline intellectual functioning․identification and diagnostic support system․


nationwide screening․opinion paper

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