제목44권2호 A Great Revenge? Social Sciences’ Rising Pertinence in Scientific Research and Technological Innovations
작성자성희 전조회수142날짜2017/12/15
첨부파일 4.Kleber Ghimire.pdf

A Great Revenge? Social Sciences’ Rising Pertinence in Scientific Research and Technological Innovations

Kléber Ghimire, Yokohama City University, Yokohama, Japan



The relationships between social and natural sciences are made of hierarchies and
prejudices. But with the result of moving to applied goals and outputs, science is required more
and more to integrate diverse observations coming from social sciences. The corroboration
from the social sciences perspective has become necessary not only for comprehending the
emerging societal viewpoints, but also gaining the very validity of the substance of knowledge
on many of the embryonic fields of scientific research and technological innovations that
science seeks to successfully observe and experiment. Overall, in matters of knowledge creation,
social sciences have tended to show a considerable latitude in addressing different facets of
emergent trends, causalities and manifold consequences, thereby giving rise to the balance of
power largely shift in their favor.
Keywords: social sciences rising pertinence․emerging frontiers of technological innovations
․linkages between natural and social sciences․natural sciences and predictive knowledge․
ethics as scientific knowledge

4.Kleber Ghimire



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